
The adrenal glands produce hormones that are involved in
The adrenal glands produce hormones that are involved in

the adrenal glands produce hormones that are involved in

Your body has two adrenal glands, one above each kidney. When adrenal adenomas are discovered, however, a thorough evaluation of their appearance and hormone production is necessary to confirm that the adenomas are not cancerous and they won't lead to other health problems. They are common, and they usually don't pose a health threat or require treatment. Although I am overweight, I'm in generally good health otherwise.ĪNSWER: Adrenal adenomas are one of several types of nodules that develop on the adrenal glands. What causes this? Should I be concerned? I am a 74-year-old woman. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: On a scan of my abdomen, an adenoma was found incidentally on one of my adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands produce hormones that are involved in